Thursday, April 17, 2008

1st Assignment - Deaf identity short film w/o words, text, signs

1st Assignment was to make a film about their Deaf identity
5 minutes or less long. No words, texts or signs


Jerome Cain said...

You all did good job BUT need to shoot some more video that you can edit some more. I can see that you all do not shoot enough video. Keep in mind that you all want to be movie maker that you all HAVE TO shoot A LOT of video. Few video few edit,...

Any possible for them to post what is their purpose to make such like this? You know filmmaker may make a movie to get people hate or confuse or love.

Same time what is your goal to make it? Goal to touch people's heart ? Get them confuse or get them like it or get them love it?

I would pick Deaf Movie because he tried to tell more about himself not because he edit more than others. You can edit more if you shoot the same object with many different angle.

As for Mirror Ghost, you would be a winner but you broke the rule because you use sign such as "come, play basketball, and fuck". You might disagree with me about it. But you use the gesture. Gesture is a part of sign. Even a paperboard is still a sign.

Reason for me to say you all did good job because you all got the courage to make the movie BUT I am not impress with your movie though.

Is it about attitude? So that you can finish the project and move on the next project which is wrong! It was like in 1960 and 1970's movie because in 60s/70s director got a contract to do few movies that caused director to feel tired to make the next movie. Today, director got contract to do only ONE movie that way director can impress the world and be able to get some more contract unlike in 1960s and 1970s movie. It was part of lesson of mistake.

DO not make something that you can get over with,... Passion is part way of make a movie. If not then sign out of the class! I CAN SEE EACH OF YOU DO HAVE POTENTIAL!!! I want to challenge you all.

Thanks for your time to read and be able to discuss.

I am with you all so hoped that all of you can be with me too because I do make movie tooo.

Anonymous said...

Your videos remind me of Avant-Garde/Art/Experimental Videos. Experimental film or experimental cinema describes a range of filmmaking styles that are generally quite different from, and often opposed to, the practices of mainstream commercial and documentary filmmaking. "Experimental" filmmakers are not afraid to think outside the box. Many famous filmmakers tends to start with experimental/art videos such as Elia Kazan, Orson Welles, Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini, Akira Kurosawa, Jean-Luc Godard and Gregg Toland.

Please keep up with the creative process of filmmaking. Thats how you learn about what is working and what is not working. No one can tell you how much you can shoot, and how much you need to cut. Alexander Mackenorick's mantra "Process, not product" which means the creative process-not the creative method, or the creative system. The process. Which never stops.

As for the differences between art and entertainment, narrtive and non-narrative film-making, they are simply matters of taste and temperament. you can only find out... practice.


Jerome Cain said...

Can you, Aidan Mack creative with one picture? Impossible,.. Process is something that we gotta to shoot more pictures,... MMM?

Jerome Cain said...
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Sonny James said...

This is great to see deaf film-makers develop but please don't show your materials for free on YouTube. Upload your videos at and get paid for it.

Deaf Cinema said...

purpose of the assignment was to get the class thinking VISUALLY with out words or texts

gestures we allowed but not encouraged because they add meaning and can lead to semantics

the spirit of the assignment was to strip the film storytelling process down to the purest form - that of a visual narrative without dialogue etc

many films hide behind dialogue

students had to create storyboards first and present to class for feedback before shooting etc

some students shot their films on their built-in computer camers or with a web cam as they have not personal camcorder

the course has involved students studying other Deaf cinema films and also creating a few short works themselves

jerome - i believe u r working on a film about the Unity for Gallaudet protest - looking forward to this documentary - would u like to ichat with the class about it?

aidan - u have expanding alot of ur vlog techniques to include visual rhetoric which i think makes ur persuavie arguments much stronger

sonny - ill try to check out revver soon. i doubt we will switch over but now that we have this blog - im encouraging students to upload any video work they want to share directly onto this site instead of youtube or in addition to

hope they will make a few vlogs critiquing some Deaf cinema we have been viewing and reviewing

quarter ends soon so we will see

several other students made their 1st assignment film but havent gotten them uploaded yet

i agree that they have great potential as this is not a filmmaking class but rather a Deaf cinema course - only 1 or 2 of the students are studying filmmaking as their major

i have been very impressed with their creativity, eagerness to experiment and think outside of the box, ability to be flexible and adapt when needed

their storyboarding was really strong so to me that is the key that im kinda beating us up with:

STORY makes a film
folks can forgive bad cinematography and editing but the STORY is what carries the work

of course its best to have all but if u gotta compromise on any of them dont compromise on the storyline

also "LESS IS MORE" my golden rule

if u dont need it in the film - if it doesnt add meaning or carry the story - i dont care if u shot it while parachuting and almost died getting it - take it out in a rough cut and honestly ask urself - do i miss it, is it needed for the story - if NO, then take it OUT

less is more - leave um wanting just a bit more


yep it totally takes courage to make a movie - even if it is less than 5 minutes and has no words

no not even if

especially if it is less than 5 minutes and has no words

sorry for the long reply

can u tell im excited about this class smile


patti durr